Saturday 17 March 2012

Listening Efficiency

Our listening efficiency can be affected by numerous factors. How much we have on our minds, recently hearing distressing news, and even culture can affect our listening efficiency.

For both your public speaking and your life, learn to master the art of listening.
In a test between two groups of 90 and 100 people in Harrisburg PA and Scranton PA, the cultural effects of listening efficiency affected by cultural influences can be seen. To both groups, when greeted with, “How are you doing?” The response was, “Fantastic but I am getting better.”

In Harrisburg, the group consisted of allied health care professionals including Nurses and Doctors. This is a group you would expect to have great skills when it comes to the art of listening. They were the control group. All but one responded with a positive affirmation of some kind.

The second group in Scranton which culturally is more predisposed to complaining and hearing complaints and the testing was at a time of economic depression. The response was empathetic such as, ...I’m sorry, I did not know you were sick....

There were other related responses. It was interesting that 99% of the responses were of this nature. The one positive affirmation came from a Nurse.

With so much on our minds between work and home life, efficient listening can be a challenge. The art of listening can be mastered if practiced.

So what is your listening efficiency? Take a listen and see if you can hear what you are missing.

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