Thursday 3 May 2012

Shih Tzu dogs rescued in Allegan County 'have opened people's eyes about puppy mills'

ALLEGAN, MI – The more than 380 dogs rescued from a Cheshire Township puppy mill on April 9 have come a long way from the un-groomed and urine-soaked state they were in on that day.
Some of the Shih Tzus have already learned their new names and were running around playing with each other outside at the Allegan County Animal Shelter on Tuesday, waiting to be adopted and taken home.
Around 36 dogs and six puppies rescued from the puppy mill remain at the shelter in Allegan, Julie Kowal, office administrator of the Allegan County Animal Shelter, said. A few of the dogs have found new homes and the rest have been taken in by other area shelters.
The shelter has received more than 1,300 applications to adopt the dogs and have narrowed the candidates down to 70 or 80. The people who are chosen to take home a dog will be required to attend a puppy mill seminar on April 30 to learn how to care for the dogs.

photo.JPGNicole Cappello, 16, volunteered at the Allegan County Animal Shelter to help socialize with the rescued dogs and make them more adoptable.
None of the dogs needed to be euthanized, but many are in need of some emotional re-habilitation, Kowal said.
"Some of them aren't used to the attention and are a little stand-offish," she said.
Kowal said the attention the dogs have brought to the shelter have helped increase the number of adoptions at the shelter by 50 percent in the past couple of weeks because people have come in and seen other pets in need, Kowal said.
"This has opened people's eyes about puppy mills. It highlights the importance of spay, neuter and adopt," she said. "You don't have to go to a breeder to find a good pet."
Kowal said potential owners will be coming to the shelter to meet the dogs so that the dogs will go home with the best fit possible. While the majority of the applicants will be disappointed to learn they won't be getting one of the rescued dogs, she hopes they will look for other dogs already in shelters to adopt.
A "thank you party" will be held on May 20 at the Silo in Allegan from 1 to 7 p.m. to show the shelter's appreciation to all of the vets, groomers, volunteers and people who donated money or other goods. Don Brown has helped organize the event that will feature six bands, food, a cash bar and more activities that will be announced later.


Two of the dogs rescued from the Allegan County puppy mill play outside of the Allegan County Animal Shelter.
Final Fantasy 13-2 characters model Prada              

           It is perhaps the most bizarre video game/real life cross-over we've ever seen.
Square Enix and Prada - yes, Prada - have teamed up to promote the fashion giant's 2012 men's spring/summer collection. How? By producing a CGI photoshoot, starring JRPG Final Fantasy 13-2's finest.

The images, below - apart from being bonkers - appear in the latest issue of Arena Homme+ as part of the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Final Fantasy series. FF13-2 characters Lightning, Noel, Snow, Sazh and Hope are all wearing Prada gear.

They were created by Square Enix's Visual Works studio in Japan, working alongside the Final Fantasy character designers. The magazine page feature includes "key looks" from Prada's S/S12 men's collection, "regarded by many as one the best of the season, with key pieces including printed silk shirts and sharp modern suiting".

Max Pearmain, Editor of Arena Homme+, said: "Our Spring issue focuses on a world of direction and escapism, and having a visually stunning video game franchise such as Final Fantasy work alongside us and a leading fashion brand like Prada to create something so unique is incredible.
"I've always been interested by the power of video games and their place in society, and the amount of work that's gone into this project blows my mind. We're incredibly pleased with the result."

There's even a quote from FF head honcho Yoshinori Kitase: "The Final Fantasy series is known for its creativity and innovation; so working with Prada, a renowned fashion house with such beautiful clothing, was a very exciting opportunity. The images we have been able to create together are vibrant and unique."

Work it, baby.     

Going vegetarian poses own set of potential health risks

Thinking of giving up meat from your diet? The potential health benefits of a green diet are well established, but a story by the Mother Nature Network (MNN) says there are also some potential side effects and health risks associated with a vegetarian lifestyle.
Could low cholesterol kill you? A study by the Honolulu Heart Program found that elderly people with a "low cholesterol concentration" had a "significant association with mortality." In addition, a 2009 review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that while vegetarians have an overall lower rate of cancer compared with meat eaters, vegetarians do have a 39 percent higher rate of colorectal cancer.

Other health concerns associated with vegetarianism cited by MNN included lower bone mineral density and lower levels of vitamin B12. However, the publishers of the bone density study said the "magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," at just around 5 percent.
Going vegetarian appears to have gained popularity in recent years. A recent Yahoo Sports article even examined the diet of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter Jake Shields. Though much of the media's focus has been on a worldwide trend toward bigger diets, whether that's Pizza Hut offering strange fast food mashups or yet another customer at the Heart Attack Grill proving that there is truth in advertising.
The lesson in these potential risk-factors seems to be that if you're going to become a vegan or vegetarian, you'll need to spend more time planning your nutritional choices to help ensure a balanced intake of vitamins and other nutrients. Though if you don't have the time or inclination for such efforts, there may be another option. University of Idaho nutritionist Katie Minor says that a "flexitarian" diet may be a viable third way.

"Flexitarians are people who are vegetarian most of the time, but once in a while will consume an animal protein," Minor told MNN. "The more restrictive you are with your diet, the more you'll have to closely monitor what you're consuming and the more likely your need will be to supplement. Work with a registered dietician to make sure you're not at risk for dietary deficiencies."

13-year-old finds mistake in Metropolitan Museum of Art map

New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) is one of the world's premier destinations for artistic and historical exhibitions. But this epicenter of worldly culture is not above admitting the occasional mistake. Even when the correction comes from one curious 13-year-old boy.
The Hartford Courant reports that 13-year-old Benjamin Lerman Coady found an error in the Met's Byzantine Gallery during a recent visit. The seventh-grader is a fledgling history buff who recently studied the Byzantine Empire in school.
While checking some of the dates on the map, Coady noticed that sections featuring Spain and Africa were missing.
Before leaving the museum, Coady attempted to inform the museum that the map was inaccurate. "The front desk didn't believe me," he told the paper. "I'm only a kid."

However, Coady received an email from the museum's senior vice president for external affairs, notifying him that his request was being forwarded to the museum's medieval affairs department for further review.
A few months later, Helen Evans, the Met's curator for Byzantine art, sent Coady an email: "You are, of course, correct about the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire under Justinian," she wrote.
Evans even invited Coady back to the museum to meet with her in person. She says the Met is working on updating the map but isn't sure when a new, more accurate rendition can be put on display.

So, what lesson did Coady take from his experience? "If you have a question, always ask it," he told the paper. "Always take chances."

Million Dollar Rides

Mercedes Benz SL600 Total Covered with Diamonds

The luxury car covered with diamonds. You may probably heard of it’s hard getting to purchase even a sport car, but what revealed here are already the sports luxury car, but covered with thousands of diamonds. This is car modification attempt made to be the 38th car for Prince Waleed from the Saudi Arabia.
It’s a Mercedes Benz SL600 with 5.5L of V12 turbochargers engine. Assisted by DOHC and 3 valves per cylinder valve train, the engine provides 493 bhp at 5,000 RPM and maximum torque of 590 lbs.ft at 1,800 to 3,600 RPM. The car is equipped with multi link suspension for both front and rear one, rack and pinion are well designed with the sensitiv assist for better handling.With the provided engine, the Mercedes SL600 are able to reach up to 155.3 MPH or 250 KPH with such acceleration at 4 seconds only from 0 to 60 MPH.
Wonder will you ever see this car on the road? The simple answer is, “No”. Priced at $1,000 only for touching this car, the car worth $4.8 Millions. Continue reading for more pictures.

Tata Nano car worth Rs 22 crore!

MUMBAI: The Tata Group on Monday unveiled a Nano car - made with gold and silver, and studded with precious stones - worth an astronomical over Rs 22 crore.

But, it's not for sale - the valuable and fully functional car is a unique branding and promotional initiative by Goldplus Jewellery, part of Titan Industries, a Tata Group company, an official said.

The mega-value Goldplus Nano Car was unveiled on Monday evening by Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata.

The Goldplus Nano Car pales the average Rs.1.40 lakh Nano, which started with a Rs.1 lakh price tag at its launch.

The Goldplus Nano Car is billed as the world's first ever gold jewellery car and celebrates the 5,000 years of jewellery making industry in India.

The car's body is made with 80 kg 22 carat solid gold, 15 kg silver, precious stones - including diamonds, rubies - and other expensive gemstones, the official said.

"As many as 14 techniques of jewellery making have gone behind the effort -- from the intricate filigree work to the delicate and colourful meenakari work, the stunning kundan to the traditional naqashi...marking the convergence of diverse and culturally distinct jewellery making techniques from around India," the official told IANS.

Titan Industries managing director Bhaskar Bhat said that since eternity, jewellery made with gold and precious stones has been an integral part of the Indian woman's life.

"Indian jewellery has been an epitome of innovation and creativity, and carved a niche worldwide for itself for the intricacy of the designs crafted out of the precious metals and stones," said C.K. Venkataraman, COO, jewellery division.

After its glittering launch in Mumbai on Monday evening, the Goldplus Nano Car will travel to all the Goldplus showrooms at 29 locations around the country.

The car incorporates beautiful designs, made with the precious stones of different colours, set on the gold and silver body of the car.

Egyptian Legends

Sekhmet the Goddess of Vengence and Hathor the Goddess of Love

When Ra rose from the mists, he created night and day, and Apophis, the Dragon of Evil formed in the darkness of the night vapours and tried to spoil all that was bright and good. Apophis was the enemy of the good rule of Ra as Pharaoh, and as Ra grew old, Apophis reached into the hearts of the people of Egypt and many followed his false promises of power and rebelled against Ra.
Ra called a counsel of his children, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut and Hapi. He also called on Nun who ruled the spirit of the primeval waters. And he asked them all what he should do about the evil among the people of Egypt.
"They gather in Upper Egypt to go greater evil even as we meet here," he said. "Should I strike them all down with a burning glance of my all-seeing Eye?"
Nun, the eldest, spoke first. "Pharaoh do not turn your eye upon Egypt, for you will destroy every being and every thing. Destroy only the evil men and women and spare the good."
Ra nodded and spoke the word Sekhmet and a mighty lioness sprang into the counsel circle. She circled the floor and finally stopped in front of the throne of Ra. For many moments Sekhmet looked at the face of Ra, then she twitched her tail and turned and leapt out of the circle and sped to Upper Egypt.
The mighty jaws and claws of Sekhmet slaughtered the evil doers in Upper Egypt until the Nile ran red with their blood. Her hunger was endless and every day she stalked the men and women of Upper Egypt, and hid by night licking her paws and dreaming of new prey in the coming morning.
But Ra did not want to destroy mankind, only the evildoers. He decided to trick Sekhmet to stop her slaughter, but said, "I will not humble her for she has done what I asked, but I will give her a far greater power over men so that she will not be dishonoured." But first he had to catch her.
So to trap Sekhmet he sent messengers to Elephantine Island at the First Cataract of the Nile, telling them to bring red ochre.
He sent the ochre to Heliopolis to the priest of the Temple of the Sun, Ra's temple. He commanded the priests and all the royal court to make beer and to mingle it with the red ochre so that it was red as blood.
"Quickly, carry the blood red beer to Upper Egypt and spread it on the land to trap Sekhmet," commanded Ra.
When Sekhmet came out in the morning to feast on the wicked, she saw no men, but instead saw what looked like pools of blood spread over the land.
She found she was thirsty and she drank the blood until she was drunk and helpless. And Ra called to her, "Come my pretty one," and she staggered down the Nile to Heliopolis.
Ra met her and lay his hand on her head, "Sekhmet, you have come in peace, so peace be with you, and a new name.You will no longer be Sekhmet the Slayer; you will be Hathor the Lady of Love. You will no longer rule man by terror, but will rule them by the passion of love. For Love is stronger than Hate and Terror, and all men will grow weak with love and be in your power."
"And I decree that on the first day of every year that the priestesses of love will mix the ochre of Elephantine with the beer of Heliopolis at a great festival to Hathor."
And the evil of Apophis was stopped and the bittersweet gift of love was bestowed on mankind.

The Secret Power of Ra

Ra the Shining One rose out of the mists that covered the waters. Nun the spirit of the waters floated above him.

Ra was all powerful and his power came from his Secret Name. This gave him the power to create a thing just by calling its name.

He said "I am Khepera at the dawn, Ra at noon and Tum in the evening." And the sun rose in the east and traveled across the sky to set in the west.

Thus he created the first day.

He then named Shu the keeper of the wind, and Tefnut the spitter of rain. "Geb" he spoke, and the earth rose up from the sea. Nut was named and she stretched her body across the sky from one horizon to the other to form the arch that held the stars and path for the sun and moon. Hapi he named last and the River Nile flowed through Egypt bringing life to the land.

He named all things on earth and lastly named Man and Woman, and they multipied to live in prosperity on the banks of the Nile.

How Ra Ascended to the Heavens

Osiris and Isis married when they grew up, as did Set and Nephthys. But Ra was still Pharaoh, though he had grown older and older and his hand shook with old age and the spittle dribbled from his lips.
Isis, who was the greatest magician that Egypt had ever known, devised a plan to trick Ra to leave his throne so that Osiris might become Pharaoh. Thoth told her that she could not succeed unless she learned Ra's secret name. Only with his hidden name could she gain power over Ra.
While only Ra could create living things, Isis used her magic to steal some of this power from Ra and create a cobra of clay. Each day Ra passed by Isis on his way to Upper Egypt. As he passed on the road, the spittle from his lips fell into the dust. Isis gathered this spittle and dust and with her magic made the first cobra and lay it beside the path of Ra, for it had form but was lifeless.
When Ra next passed along the road his eye fell on the lifeless cobra and it came into being. It reared out of the grass and bit Ra on the heel as he passed and then the cobra slithered away.
Ra sat down beside the road holding his heel and soon a great pain shot through him and he cried aloud. All the gods came swiftly to help him in his anguish, and Isis was among them.
Isis cradled Ra's heel in her hand and asked him how they could help him in his agony. Ra replied that all those who knew magic and had wisdom must be called to help him. So one by one they came, and none could help.
The last who came was Isis.
Ra's pain had grown greater, he shivered and his eyes grew dim. "Help me Isis for you are the greatest magician in Egypt. I do not know what poison attacks me, or what snake bit me, for I did not make it."
Isis bowed before Ra and whispered that she had great magic, but she must have extra power to cast out this strange poison that came from no snake that Ra had made; a snake that no one in Egypt had known existed. "I must have the power of your secret name, Divine Father."
Ra was cautious and told her many of his names of power, but Isis shook her head and told him he must tell her his secret name. Finally the pain burned more powerfully and Ra relented. But before he told her his secret name he made her promise that she would tell no one but the son that she and Osiris would bear.
She must tell no one the secret name but Horus their son who would rule after Osiris.
Isis swore this oath and Ra whispered his secret name. With that name Isis chanted a spell of extraordinary power that drove the poison out of Ra's body.
Ra's pain ended, but he was tired and felt very old. He knew that Osiris was destined to reign after him, and his grandson Horus would follow as the third God-Pharaoh. So Ra left the earth and took his place in the heavens as the Burning Eye. He crossed the sky daily and passed under the earth in the twelve regions of the Duat nightly.
Osiris became Pharaoh of Egypt and Isis was his Queen. They built their capital at Thebes and ruled wisely.

The Black Dahlia

The story of the Black Dahlia is one of Hollywood's most famous unsolved mysteries. The gruesome murder of an aspiring actress in Los Angeles has sparked much speculation and rumor about both the life and death of the young girl. Even the origin of the name Black Dahlia is disputed by some. Tangled up in the dark side of Hollywood's glamour, the mystique of the Black Dahlia has inspired several books and a 2006 film, but the crime remains unsolved.


  • The term Black Dahlia refers to Elizabeth Short. Her body was found cut in half at the waist on January 15, 1947, in Leimert Park, Los Angeles, by a passerby. Evidence at the scene suggested she'd been beaten and sexually molested. The grisly details of her death captured public attention, and a clever newspaper reporter dubbed the unfortunate girl after "The Blue Dahlia", a popular movie at the time about a murdered young girl. Some speculate that Beth Short was actually called Black Dahlia.


  • Elizabeth Short was born in Massachusetts in 1924 and raised by a single mother. Even from a young age, she was troubled and frequently moving. Because of poor health she lived in Florida during the winter months and worked as a waitress. In 1943, at age 19, she moved to California to live with her father. The two eventually settled in Los Angeles, but Elizabeth soon moved out. She was arrested that same year for underage drinking and sent back to Massachusetts by the authorities.


  • Short moved back to Florida that winter and socialized with a long line of men, including at least a few U.S. servicemen. She met and was briefly engaged to a pilot named Maj. Matthew M. Gordon Jr. She also became reacquainted with an old boyfriend. When Maj. Gordon died in a plane crash in 1945, Short moved back to Los Angeles, where her old beau was stationed. She continued to work odd jobs, mostly waiting tables, and living in a variety of inexpensive hotels, rooming houses and hotels. She went missing on January 9, 1947, having been last seen at the Biltmore hotel in San Diego, and was found dead nearly a week later.


  • The existing information about Elizabeth Short is mostly speculation. A childhood friend with whom she corresponded claimed Short hoped her move to California would lead to a life as an actress, but it's not certain she ever seriously pursued a career in the movies. What is clear is that her striking beauty led her to live on the charity of her many male admirers, most of whom bought her gifts, took her to dinner and gave her cash. It's said she crossed paths with some legitimate Hollywood stars, even Marilyn Monroe, but there is no evidence supporting this assertion. The grisly details of her murder, plus the fact that dozens of attention-seekers confessed to the crime, only fueled the sensational press coverage of the Elizabeth Short/Black Dahlia case.


  • Hundreds of individuals were considered suspects and thousands were questioned by police, but the murderer of Elizabeth Short was never identified. Some believe she might have fallen victim to a serial killer, others speculate a Hollywood mogul was involved, but neither claim has been substantiated. The legend of the Black Dahlia eventually moved from the newspaper headlines to works of popular art, straying ever farther from the facts of the case because most were highly fictionalized. References to Elizabeth Short abound in novels set in 1940s Hollywood and the autobiographies of those tangentially related to the investigation. In 2002, pop icon Marilyn Manson released a series of paintings based on the murder. The 2006 film titled "The Black Dahlia" and directed by Brian DePalma was very loosely based on the actual life and death of Elizabeth Short.