Thursday 3 May 2012

You...Look Different: Wigs Made Entirely Out Of LEGO

This is a small series of wigs made entirely out of LEGO bricks for a high fashion photo shoot by
Elroy Klee. Me? I am the lowest fashion. If fashion were graded like tests in school I would have been held back so many times I'd be taller than my bus driver. That said, I am gonna make my own LEGO haircut. Sure it might just be a LEGO pirate ship and all my minifigs glued to a crash helmet, but you can't just trust a bunch of LEGO blocks to protect you when you're being shot out of a cannon. "Who's getting shot out of a cannon?" I AM -- why else would I be wearing the stupid crash helmet? "I thought you mom makes you because you're clumsy." Have you been reading my diary?
Hit the jump for a beautiful fro and shortcut redhead.

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