Thursday 3 May 2012

Make sure people attention is in you !!

Translate their feelings - People always have vague ideas and half-baked thoughts popping in and out of their minds, but they don’t know how to express them. It’s your job to give those ideas and thoughts a solid shape. When you light a bulb in a reader’s mind and connect missing dots for him, he will exclaim, “Hey, this is exactly what I have been thinking!” Congratulations! This guy is always going to trust your words. 

Be strong but not forceful - A strong writing is convincing because it is based on facts and your unshakable conviction in its being right. Forceful writing is bullying, arrogant, and opinionated. Do you know of a person who has an ounce of respect for bullies? 

Be amicable and humorous - It’s so amazing that everybody loves to laugh and nobody likes to cry! Stop being too solemn and make others smile. This is one of the best ways to get others to notice your presence. 

Share stories and anecdotes - Many of us go through similar circumstances, experience similar emotions, and feel the same way about similar situations. Sharing your stories (or even others’) is a great way to establish an emotional connection with your audience. Storytelling has magical effects and it always inspires others to share their own stories and observations. 

Speak with authority - If you tend to get all humble and apologetic during speaking/writing, forget about getting other to take you seriously. This is one of the biggest reasons why the common people remain common. They don’t even believe in their own words and ideas. People like to be told what to do, they like to follow instructions, and they listen attentively to authority. Speak with authority, and don’t be afraid of being in charge. You’ll be amazed to see how people respond to strong opinions. 

Highlight your uniqueness - You thought this was wrong? Nope. Others want to emulate you and your skills. Tell them about your uniqueness and share your unique perspective with them. They’ll be happy to listen to you and follow along to get a glimpse of your minds’ workings. 

Lay forth the hard data - Hard stats are not out of business. When proving a point, cite all credible sources that you know of related to your point, offer charts and numbers etc., This will make others believe that you know your stuff, and aren’t merely talking out of your @ss. 

Be a good listener - Do I need say more? Let’s all take turns to speak. When you are done speaking, let others speak their heart out while you listen!!!.

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